Baki Manga Read Order: Follow the Saga
The Baki manga series, created by Keisuke Itagaki, has captivated fans worldwide with its intense martial arts battles, unique art style, and over-the-top characters. It’s easy to get drawn into…
Neo Tokyo Anime Review: A Captivating Classic Anthology You Can’t Miss
Anime movies from the 80s and 90s have a distinct look that stands out compared to modern-day anime. The CEL animation, attention to detail, and depth of colours and shadows…
Love Vagabond? Discover the Intensity of Shigurui manga
Shigurui Manga: Discover the Intensity of this Epic Samurai Tale I was recently recommended a manga “shigurui” by @fnvuucs & consumed it in 2 days. Its art is fantastic &…
Neon Genesis Evangelion watch order
Neon Genesis Evangelion Watch Order: Your Ultimate Viewing Guide for an Enjoyable Journey For anime fans, especially those delving into the world of psychological and existential storytelling, Neon Genesis Evangelion…
Meet the Masters: Famous Related Mangaka Shaping the Industry
The world of manga is an ever-evolving creative landscape, filled with diverse stories, intricate characters, and worlds that resonate with fans worldwide. Recently, while searching for a new manga to…
10 Highest Grossing Manga And Anime Franchises
The highest grossing manga and anime franchises are more than just entertainment; they represent a vast, multi-billion-dollar industry that has captivated audiences across the globe. From their origins in Japan,…
Top 10 Sports Manga That Dominated the Sales Charts
Sports manga has been a significant genre in the world of Japanese comics for decades. From intense basketball rivalries to heart-pounding soccer matches, these stories not only capture the essence…